Search the Network

The Shepherd’s Centers of America affiliate network connects 166,000 older adults to enriching and meaningful programs throughout the United States and engages communities in the national conversation for aging well. Search the network to connect to an affiliate near you. 

Find an Affiliate

Network strong. In communities across the country, Shepherd’s Center affiliates are hard at work reducing isolation among older adults and creating an empowering experience for them to live lives filled with meaning. Search for the one nearest you:

      These affiliates are each unique, but all share a common vision of celebrating aging and creating meaningful opportunities for lifelong learning, volunteering, friendships and connections, and healthy living. 

      Together, we are leading the way to provide opportunities for older Americans to continue growing and giving to society. 

      Membership Sign Up

      Doing similar work and want to grow network strong with us? Become an
      affiliate member and enjoy a wealth of benefits! Most important is that by
      working together, we can reach more older adults.

      We have a long history of working closely with community-based
      nonprofits across the nation to improve the lives of older adults. As a
      membership organization, we offer a variety of members-only benefits
      that help community-based affiliates operate effectively and efficiently
      and, importantly, raise awareness of our shared mission of aging well in
      community with one, strong voice.

      It’s easy to connect to the SCA network. Our members share a mission of
      empowering older adults to age in community based on six core principles,
      which we call our IMPACT model. 







      = inclusion of all people and all faiths 

      = meaningful programs and services designed by older adults 

      = power of volunteers to make a difference 

      = aging well today and tomorrow 

      = connecting individuals to each other and to community 

      = team effort with a group of people, congregations and community agencies 

      Start a Center| Shepherd's Centers
      Start a New Center
      Don’t see a Shepherd’s Center group near you? Learn how to start a new affiliate! Read more about our community-based model.